Friday, September 7, 2007

Sign the Book

Today in Old Testament Survey, Brother Blunkall announced that someone had taken his stack of books for class - including his notes and Bible. So, our class today was about "The Three Most Spiritual Events in the Life of Buddy Blunkall."

The first was, of course, his salvation. The second was when he surrendured his life to God. He used this illustration:

During World War II, the Japanese absolutely WOULD NOT surrendur. Every Japanese soldier on Iwo Jima was killed, the Allies eventually gained control of the Pacific islands, and still mainland Japan would not give in. So instead of a battle that would've cost a million Allied soldiers and many more Japanese (soldiers and civilians), the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Then Japan was ready to talk! They realized that the Allies were a force they could not resist without being destroyed. When the leaders of Japan met to officially surrendur, one general reached to open the cover of the book containing the agreement. General MacArthur placed his hand on the cover and closed the book, saying these words. "It's unconditional. Sign the book."

What those Japanese men didn't realize was that General MacArthur had a great love for the Oriental people. The book containing the terms of surrendur (unconditional) was written by that man who loved them.

I could elaborate more, but I think ya'll understand from here. And I need to go drop off my books before getting on the bus to go to Little Rock for the IMAX theatre activity. God is good - I'm reminded every day.

Love Ya'll!

1 comment:

Dew Drop pictures said...

A blog! Yeah! What a great idea! I'm sure you'll do just great!
Love ya Lots Friend!