Friday, November 16, 2007

This picture is the view from a mountaintop in Papua New Guinea. It grips me whenever I see it. See that farthest mountain in the center? Imagine hiking all the way to the top of that mountain - and guess what the view would be. It would be the same picture again. You could travel for months like that. Mountain, after mountain, after mountain, after mountain...each horizon, once reached, only reveals another. How many thousands of people are represented by those mountains? People who have never seen or heard anything outside the boundaries of their own culture, much less the Gospel. We've got alot of work to do.

Moving along...

Five days until I'm home!

The Champion Chorale sang in chapel today. We did "What Love." That song has got to be in my top 500 favorites.

We've had Spirit Days here today and yesterday. Yesterday was Sports Team Day, and I was able to borrow a Longhorns hoodie from a friend. Everywhere you looked you could see that beautiful burnt orange. We definitely had the majority, despite half the student body being from North Carolina. (Well, maybe not quite half, but it seems that way) I think Tar Heel Blue was probably second. It was nice to wear denim and tennis shoes!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Counting Down

Seven days until I'll be home!!! Yes!

Chapel was good today. Bro. Damion DiMedio (an Australian missionary to China) preached about pride. His text was I Tim. 3:2, about a pastor not being a "novice, lest he be lifted up with pride and fall into the condemnation of the devil." Of all the reasons God could've given why not to make a novice a pastor, the one He pointed out was pride. It was a convicting message.

And yesterday in OTS, Bro. Blunkall got to preaching about David. I've always known he was a man after God's own heart, but I always thought that meant David's heart was like God's heart. How about this - David was AFTER God's heart. He wanted to get God's heart. That's what SO many Psalms are about - the longing David had and the time David spent seeking God. Think about that one for a while...

God is good - I am so blessed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Little Brothers

These are my adopted little brothers, Little Caleb and Joshy. I'm thoroughly enjoying them, especially when I get to work at the CDC. Little Caleb used to call me "Lee-Lee" like everybody else, but now he calls me "Sissy" or "Big Sister." I love those little guys. :D

Preacher just popped into the computer lab with a hearty, "Llllllllllllllladieeeees! Isn't that the longest 'l' sound you've ever heard? It's hard to stay on that 'l' sound!" I love his enthusiasm.

Eight days until Thanksgiving break! YAY! Caleb and Leah and I are looking forward to going home.

We don't have many more class days before finals. It's hard to believe how fast this semester is going! God has been so good.

Every day I'm amazed that I'm here. This is the third year of Champion's existence. Twenty years from now, when we look around and see the hundreds of churches started and thousands of people saved through the ministries of Champions, when we look at Hot Springs and see a school with not hundreds of students, but thousands - we'll be able to say, "Wow! And we were there in the very beginning!" We get to be a part of the beginning of a miracle.

I'm just overwhelmed I'm actually here. I still smile to myself and think, "I'm a college student. I live six hours away from home, I live in a dorm with about 125 other girls, I hear convicting/challenging preaching every day, I go to classes, I actually have homework (as opposed to all my studies being homework :D), and I eat in a cafeteria every day." Random thoughts that still baffle me...but life is good!

Have a great day!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Howdy Ya'll!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted...

Midterms were last week, and I think I did okay. We had to sing "All Through the Night" for Music Lessons. :D It was wonderful - I loved every minute of it! :D:D

Yesterday was my first day working at the Gospel Light Child Development Center (daycare). I'll be training in all the age groups today and next week, because I'll be a substitute. Yeah! I really enjoyed it yesterday. I get to be with Little Little Brother, Joshua West, today. :D I think he's the cutest little guy ever.

I think I'm gonna do a chalk talk on Sodom and Gomorrah next Friday night.
After telling the story, I'll draw some applications about being
faithful to the Lord, or God's judgment on sin/provision for deliverance
from judgment, or keeping bad company, or something like that. I should
be able to set the blacklights up this time - which will be awesome! The
kids won't be expecting it, because I wasn't able to use those last

Well, I've gotta go for now. Have a great day!