Friday, November 16, 2007

This picture is the view from a mountaintop in Papua New Guinea. It grips me whenever I see it. See that farthest mountain in the center? Imagine hiking all the way to the top of that mountain - and guess what the view would be. It would be the same picture again. You could travel for months like that. Mountain, after mountain, after mountain, after mountain...each horizon, once reached, only reveals another. How many thousands of people are represented by those mountains? People who have never seen or heard anything outside the boundaries of their own culture, much less the Gospel. We've got alot of work to do.

Moving along...

Five days until I'm home!

The Champion Chorale sang in chapel today. We did "What Love." That song has got to be in my top 500 favorites.

We've had Spirit Days here today and yesterday. Yesterday was Sports Team Day, and I was able to borrow a Longhorns hoodie from a friend. Everywhere you looked you could see that beautiful burnt orange. We definitely had the majority, despite half the student body being from North Carolina. (Well, maybe not quite half, but it seems that way) I think Tar Heel Blue was probably second. It was nice to wear denim and tennis shoes!

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