Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prayer Meeting

Last night the dorm girls had a prayer meeting at 10:30. It wasn't mandantory, and I was surprised to see that pretty much all the girls were there. We were specifically praying for two things.

Ashley Unruh was a freshman here last year. During the summer, she started to have severe headaches. They were so bad she was unable to return to Champion this fall. Well, they found out that the headaches are a result of a spot on her brain. She's having more tests run today, and we're praying that the spot is gone. Ashley's brother Craig and sister Heather are Champion students also. Please pray for all of them.

And also, a student named Amber found out last week that her mom has breast cancer. Please pray for Mrs. McDonald, and for Amber too.

"God is always good, and God is always right." - Bro. John Bishop

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