Friday, October 5, 2007

We had our second test in OT Survey today. It wasn't bad. People talk about how hard Bro. Blunkall's test are, but I don't understand that. He tells you pretty much everything that's gonna be on them, and he's very gracious with his grading. OT is my favorite class. :D

Of course, Bro. Blunkall can preach in any class, even Chorale. We're working on the song, "What Love." The first verse is about Mary pouring the perfume on Jesus, and the second verse is about Calvary. Bro. Blunkall pointed out that Mary didn't just sprinkle a few drops of the perfume, she BROKE the box. There was no chance of taking back what she gave.

May our sacrifices to the Lord of Love be given out of a heart of love, with no reserve or regret.

Have a good day!

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