Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Almost Finished

One day, two finals, a church service, a six hour drive and I'll be home! The thought brings me much joy. It's hard to believe that this semester is already over.

And it's also exciting to look ahead to next semester! I pre-registered yesterday. I'll be taking Music Theory, Adolescent Psychology, New Testament Survey, English Composition, Proverbs, Baptist History, Methods of Mentoring, Methods of Teaching, and of course, Choir and Chorale. That's a class every period of every day. It should be a little more exciting than last semester. :D

I'll have one class with Caleb, actually. Proverbs will probably be our only class together ever, but hey - at least we've got one!

I also switched my major from Music to Elementary Education. This will be more practical for living and working on the mission field someday. I'm sure I'll have the opportunity (and it may even be a necessity) to teach on the field, and this also will give me a means to work a good job here in the States if I ever need to.

I also applied for a work scholarship job (that's on campus, maintenance, kitchen, coffee shop, and whatever else they need) for next semester. There aren't any openings now, so please pray that something will open up. My first choice would naturally be the coffee shop, but I'd be happy with anything. :D

Well, I need to finish reviewing for Algebra and Personal Evangelism. I hope ya'll have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Dew Drop pictures said...

Good job lolale!
Love you LOTS!