Thursday, July 31, 2008

Heading Out!

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. There has been a lot going on this summer!

I got home before BBTI ended, so I was here for graduation. That was a blessing! I was able to go to camp with my church, and I also had the opportunity to attend SMITE Camp. I learned much about ministering to children in that full week!

I worked at a stable part of the summer. My formal title was "assistant to the executive director of equestrian sanitation control." I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out what I did. :D It was a good chance to learn and work and earn some extra money.

That extra money finished paying for my missions trip to Costa Rica! I'm leaving a week from today, and I'll be gone until August 25. Please pray for open doors of ministry, for God to prepare both our hearts and the hearts of those we will see, and that we can be a blessing to our host family, the Brileys. I am going with a family from Gospel Light and the wife of a Champion teacher. Lord willing, I'll be able to do a few chalk drawings while I'm there! Please pray that those will go well also.

Well, I will do my best to keep a good journal in Costa Rica, and I should have some interesting stories when I come back. :D

Thanks for praying!

Have a great day!


Dew Drop pictures said...

Have Fun Lolale! I love you Heaps!

Amanda said...

You worked with horses, Laura-Lee? Lucky you!! =)
This is Melanie's sister, by the way. :-)